
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
The North American Model, Part 2
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
This week's episode is Part 2 of a two-part series on the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. In this installment, Jonah and Mariana discuss the remaining pillars (principles) of the NAM, how they influence management in the U.S., and what challenges they face.
Sources & Links:
Read the article featured in today's news: Traffic Report on Sharks and Rays
And check out The Wildlife Society's Technical Review of the NAM: https://wildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/North-American-model-of-Wildlife-Conservation.pdf
Make your own toothpaste and deodorant with these recipes to reduce plastic waste:
We’d love to hear from you! Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and you can find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
The North American Model, Part 1
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
This week's episode is Part 1 of a two-part series on the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. The NAM is a series of principles (pillars) which are meant to inform the way we manage wildlife in the U.S. In this episode, Jonah and Mariana discuss the fundamental Public Trust Doctrine, its historical beginnings, the modern challenges it faces, and how it provides the central tenet behind the NAM as its first pillar.
Sources & Links:
Read the articles in today's news update: Murder of Philippine ranger / Indigenous Pueblo loses land claim
And read the Wildlife Society's report on the Public Trust Doctrine: https://wildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ptd_10-1.pdf
WE'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Send us an email at conservationchronicles@gmail.com. And find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our show's webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Taking Care in the Field
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Jonah and Mariana sit down for a conversation on the perils of field work, and share some first-hand advice on taking care of yourself in the field.
Sources & Links:
Check out the organization advocating for wildlife at the US/Mexico border: No Border Wall Facebook Page
And learn how important proper nutrition is to your body: Nutrition Facts
Today's News:
A Philippine island employs a rare cockatoo in its fight against mines
Watch: California embarks on massive wildlife overpass
CITES convention passes new wildlife trade protections
Several groups challenge new ESA rules
Biologists document oldest recorded Kentucky Warbler
This upland sandpiper was banded 13 years ago. And it's still alive.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Saiga Antelope
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Sources & Links:
Get the basics about saiga ecology and conservation:
Some hope for Kazakhstan’s saiga population:
Read about the most recent saiga mass mortality events:
Check out a very detailed report on the saiga horn trade:
Learn more about conservation issues surrounding saiga:
This site has all of the resources you need and more on saiga:
The paper we mentioned on European saiga history (found on Saiga Resource Centre):
Lushchekina, A. and A. Struchkov. 2001. The Saiga Antelope in Europe: Once Again on the Brink? The Open Country 3: 11-24.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Pikas & Saddlebills
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Jonah and Mariana are back for a second season of exploring the human-wildlife interface and all its many conservation issues. In this episode, Mariana talks about her brief time with a pika survey in New Mexico, and Jonah fills us in on his pilot field season for his graduate work with Saddlebill Storks in Zambia. Lessons learned, adventures had, and much more to come!
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
In a new endangered species episode, Mariana and Jonah get together to talk about sawfish, of which all five species are endangered or critically endangered. The sawfish are so-called for their chainsaw-shaped rostra (noses), and their ecologies are just as interesting as their faces.
Sources & Links:
Read the fascinating NatGeo features that inspired today's topic:
Visit the IUCN profiles for all five species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/search?query=sawfish&searchType=species
And watch an incredible video of a sawfish birth: https://www.earthtouchnews.com/conservation/endangered/first-ever-sawfish-birth-filmed-in-the-wild-video/?fbclid=IwAR0tGROiu0UINCEjZSnoMV_zKKstTrujpXEYJRhOVfrms5dB4WOi_ViD0mI
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
In our newest episode, friend and frequent guest Camden joins Jonah for a thought-provoking discussion on rewildling. Whether it be returning a lost tree species back to a degraded forest, or a rare leopard back to mountains it roamed long ago, rewildling efforts can help to restore entire ecosystems that have been damaged by the loss of key species.
Sources & Links:
Check out our favorite rewilding initiatives:
Rewilding Europe: https://rewildingeurope.com
Yellowstone to Yukon: https://y2y.net
Trees for Life: https://treesforlife.org.uk
Rewilding Foundation: http://www.rewildingfoundation.org
And read the excellent NatGeo article on rewilding lions in Mozambique: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/05/mozambique-spirit-lion-relocation/?fbclid=IwAR3rFpTTfmYl68DXcwVeJDebcuLutP-MtfSV6c6DNo5XkRbF276oseERmYY
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Feral Horses
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Jonah and guest-host Leon bring us back from a long hiatus with a passionate discussion on the controversial topic of feral horses, which are protected in the United States by the Wild Horses & Burros Act. Learn all about why feral horses are a problem for wildlife and wild spaces, and how misguided animal activism has made controlling these invasive species a near-impossible problem in the U.S.
Sources & Links:
Learn more about the BLM’s horse and burro program: www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/about-the-program
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday Mar 18, 2019
News Flash 2
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
This week Jonah has a few quick pieces of wildlife news from around the world.
Join the 'No Border Wall' Facebook group to get frequent updates on the situation in South Texas and beyond: https://www.facebook.com/noborderwall/
Read more about the turtle trafficking bust in the Philippines:
Learn more about the study on migrant songbirds as a dispersal agent for invasive hemlock woolly adelgid:
Read about infrared drone surveys of koala populations in Australia:
Read a brief report on the USFWS's decision to list the northern Scarlet Macaw under the Endangered Species Act:
See one of the photos of the rare Arabian caracal capture on a remote camera in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates:
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
Bundys vs BLM, Part 2
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
In today's episode, we finish our two-part series on the Bundys' conflict with the Bureau of Land Management. We explore how decades of tension over a tortoise and its protected land led to two armed standoffs with federal officials, both orchestrated by a member of the Bundy family, but both hundreds of miles apart in two different states. In case you missed it, go back and listen to Part 1 for the background on why this interface conflict began.
Sources & Links:
Listen to the Bundyville podcast for more on this complicated family and its history: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/606441988/bundyville
Learn more about the BLM: https://www.blm.gov/
Learn more about public lands in the United States: https://www.doi.gov/blog/americas-public-lands-explained
And see the US Fish & Wildlife's species profile and public documents for the ESA-listed Mojave desert tortoise: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp0/profile/speciesProfile?spcode=C04L
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Our email address is conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com