
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Jonah closes out the podcast finale with some news and reflections about the show.
Grand Teton National Park mountain goat cull:
Feral horse removal in Nevada:
Sage-grouse management in need of a revamp:
New federal budget threatens conservation efforts:
Migratory Bird Treaty Act further weakened by administration’s proposal:
Comment on the regulation here:
Lawsuit against Total oil development in Uganda:
Road collisions and giant anteaters:
Gorillas officially recorded in a region of Equatorial Guinea for the first in a decade:
New laws to protect rays:
Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast called Nature's Archive:

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Jonah and Camden attempt to provide a crash course in the field of biogeography, a synthetic field that describes and analyzes patterns of biodiversity as we see them today.
A brief overview of this huge topic:
Check out the Journal of Biogeography to get an idea of the (technical) questions this field address:
We’d love to hear from you! Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Jonah and Camden talk about dead things and things that eat things.
Read about the recent changes to the Clean Water Act (they're not good!):
Learn about the Indonesian expedition that discovered 5 new bird species and 5 new subspecies:
India plans to reintroduced cheetahs:
Roadkill statistics :
Two studies demonstrating the role of pumas in an ecosystem:
Why large herbivores matter in ecosystem food webs:
Scavenger study in the UK:
The human-scavenger relationship throughout history :
Worldwide vulture declines:
How humans benefit from vultures:
Rewilding Europe’s Circle of Life:
Polar bears in Chukotka:
Ethiopia's urban hyenas:
Listener Patrick's blog about restoring prairie Iowa:
We’d love to hear from you! Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Wetlands, Part 2
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
In part 2 of their two-part series on wetland ecosystems, Jonah and Camden delve into some of the most degraded wetlands in the world, as well as efforts to restore critical wetland ecosystems.
Sources & Links:
Read today’s news article on the Chinese Paddlefish extinction
And follow these links to learn more about the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, wetland issues, and the sites mentioned in today’s episode:
Aral Sea:
Iraqi Marshes:
Prairie Potholes:
Inner Niger Delta & other African wetlands:
Colorado River Delta:
Danube River Delta:
The Salton Sea:
A recent paper on stork breeding success in a mosaic landscape in Nepal:
AND some good literature on wetlands worldwide:
Darwall, W.R.T, R.A. Holland, K.G. Smith, et al. 2011. Implications of bias in conservation research and investment for freshwater species. Conservation Letters 4: 474-482.
Junk, W.J., S. An, C.M. Finlayson, et al. 2013. Current state of knowledge regarding the world’s wetlands and their future under global climate change: a synthesis. Aquatic Sciences 75: 151-167.
Strayer, D.L. and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Freshwater biodiversity conservation: recent progress and future challenges. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 344-358.
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Wetlands, Part 1
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
In Part 1 of a two-part series, guest host Camden joins Jonah for a discussion on a personal favorite for both of them: the critically essential wetland ecosystem!
Sources & Links:
Read the articles featured in today’s news: Okinawa and the Military Base / A Restored Wetland in Chennai
Learn more about wetlands: https://www.wetlands.org/wetlands/ / https://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.358.aspx.pdf
And some relevant literature we recommend:
Junk, W.J., S. An, C.M. Finlayson, et al. 2013. Current state of knowledge regarding the world’s wetlands and their future under global climate change: a synthesis. Aquatic Sciences 75: 151-167.
Strayer, D.L. and D. Dudgeon. 2010. Freshwater biodiversity conservation: recent progress and future challenges. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 344-358.
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Career Ramblings with Jonah
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
As the spring/summer job season is upon us, Jonah shares some thoughts and advice for listeners looking for new positions, as well as for those considering graduate school.

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
News Updates
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Jonah and guest host Camden sit down to talk about some of the latest news in conservation, including some updates on news pieces from previous episodes.
Sources & Links:
All About Plastic
Bei Bei the Panda
Rancho Guimbalete
The Silver-backed Chevrotain
Russia's Whale Jail
Malaysia's Last Sumatran Rhino
Documentary on European Bison Reintroduction in Romania
Blue Whale Heart Rate
Recovering America's Wildlife Act
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Our endangered species for this episode is the gharial, a unique and critically endangered crocodilian found in the rivers of Southeast Asia. Conflict over waterways and habitat encroachment are two of many threats the gharial faces today.
Sources & Links:
Read Nepal's gharial conservation plan: http://d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/gcap_report_2018.pdf
And a bit about India's gharial conservation history: https://www.ircf.org/portfolio-view/gharial/
The gharial on IUCN: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/8966/149227430
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Land Ethics (feat. Eric Freyfogle)
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
For this week's episode, Mariana and Jonah sat down with their first guest to have a conversation about land ethics. Eric Freyfogle has dedicated his career to studying and writing about our relationships with nature and land, and how the Aldo Leopold land ethic can bring culture and conservation together. Thank you so much to Eric for a great discussion!
Sources & Links:
Learn more about Eric Freyfogle and his writings: https://law.illinois.edu/faculty-research/faculty-profiles/eric-t-freyfogle/#about
And read Guy McPherson's essay Going Back to the Land in the Age of Entitlement
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Music: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com; and Island Coconuts by Aaron Kenny

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Research Ethics
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
In this week’s episode, Jonah and Mariana discuss the institutional systems that oversee animal welfare in field research, how they work, how they sometimes don’t work, and how we might even improve them. They also share their own experiences witnessing ethical violations in wildlife research.
Sources & Links
For today’s news: 1 in 4 Birds Gone Since 1970; Winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year; Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer Contest
For further reading: McMahon et al. (2012) on the Bateson’s Decision Cube; and Paul et al. (2015) on Animal Welfare Policy
Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear from you. Send any questions or comments to conservationchronicles@gmail.com, and find us on Facebook & Instagram @ Conservation Chronicles. Lastly, our show’s webpage can be found at conservationchronicles.podbean.com.
Theme Song: Epic Cinematic by Scott Holmes / https://scottholmesmusic.com